Here is the cover art for the forthcoming Hemlock and the Maker's Fire (The Maker's Fire - Book Four). It was created by the wonderfully talented artist Elena Dudina . She has done the prior three covers in the series, and I think she really outdid herself on this one!
I recently got some very comprehensive feedback on the manuscript from my beta reader, and now I have some rework to do before it's ready for the editor. I will try to make this work go as quickly as possible.
I'm also wrestling with the ending a bit. I love the current ending I've written, but there's one aspect of it that I now worry is inconsistent with one of the core themes of the series. I need to figure out a way to fine tune the ending. I'm hoping it won't need a total rework and that a refinement will suffice.
Thanks for reading, and hopefully I will be able to report some good progress in my next blog post!
What is on my This is the blog of B Throwsnaill, author of the fantasy adventure series The Maker's Fire, which includes Hemlock and the Wizard Tower (Book One), Hemlock and the Dead God's Legacy (Book Two), and Hemlock and the Dread Sorceress (Book Three).